State level painting competition under "Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav"
State level painting competition under "Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav" The Gujarat State Academy of Fine Arts under the Department of Sports, Youth and Cultural Activities has organized an online drawing competition on the theme "Subhash Chandra Bose" in connection with the celebration of Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav.
Artists up to the age of 18 to 35 will be able to participate. The contestant prepared his work on the subject "Subhash Chandra Bose" and filled in the required details in the form prescribed by this office.
Forms and deeds in the format ( should be sent by e-mail to the e-mail address. The first prize of Rs. 10,000 / -, second prize of Rs. 5,000 and third prize of Rs. 5,000 / - will be given to the 4 winners of the competition.

The contestant prepared his work on the subject "Subhash Chandra Bose" and filled in the required details in the form prescribed by this office.
State level painting competition under "Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav"
Celebration of Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav
Subhash Chandra Bose ”online drawing competition
In which artists from 18 to 6 years of age who are natives of Gujarat will be able to participate.
The first prize of Rs. 10,000 / - to the 6 winners of the competition.
Second prize Rs. 5,000
Third prize of Rs. 5,000 / - will be given.
Simplex Channel In this channe. There are mainly three types of commun Trad Guic Tech DATA COMMUNICATION AND NETWORKING The die abling aspec of met Baric The term communication means sending or receiving information. When we communicate, we share information or data.
A communication system can be defined as the collection of hardware and software that facilitates intersystem exchange of information between different devices in channel as follows Data Communication It is the exchange of data between two devices Esing some form of transmission media. It includes the transfer of data or information and the method of preservation of data during the transfer process.
Data is transferred from one place to another in the form of signals. There are three types of signals 1. Digital Signal in this signal, data is transmitted in electronic form, i.e. binary digits (0 or 1). 2. Analog Signal In this signal, data is transmitted in the form of radiowaves like in telephone line. 3. Hybrid Signal These signals have properties of both analog signal and digital signal. capability to support response in direction. This communication is unidirectional.
Only one of the communicating devices transmits jefe and the other can only receive it e.g. Radio, Television, Keyboard, etc. 2. Half Duplex Channel In this charnel data can flow in both directions, but same time. When one device tranamit information, then other can only rece that point of time. e.g. Walkie -Talkie 3.Full Duplex Channel In this channed s flow of data is in both directions at a both stations can transmit and receive information simultaneously.
Wireless handset (mobile phone). Communication Media Communication media of a network tefer t transmission media or the connecting media in the network. It can be broadly defined as anything that can carry information from a to destination. It refers to the physical meda through which communication signals ca transmitted from one point to another. Communication Channel The communication channel refers to the direction of signal flow between two linked levices.
State level painting competition under "Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav"
State level painting competition under "Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav" The Gujarat State Academy of Fine Arts under the Department of Sports, Youth and Cultural Activities has organized an online drawing competition on the theme "Subhash Chandra Bose" in connection with the celebration of Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav.
Artists up to the age of 18 to 35 will be able to participate. The contestant prepared his work on the subject "Subhash Chandra Bose" and filled in the required details in the form prescribed by this office.
Forms and deeds in the format ( should be sent by e-mail to the e-mail address. The first prize of Rs. 10,000 / -, second prize of Rs. 5,000 and third prize of Rs. 5,000 / - will be given to the 4 winners of the competition.

The contestant prepared his work on the subject "Subhash Chandra Bose" and filled in the required details in the form prescribed by this office.
વધુ માહિતી માટે અહીંયા કોલ કરો
State level painting competition under "Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav"
Celebration of Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav
Subhash Chandra Bose ”online drawing competition
In which artists from 18 to 6 years of age who are natives of Gujarat will be able to participate.
The first prize of Rs. 10,000 / - to the 6 winners of the competition.
Second prize Rs. 5,000
Third prize of Rs. 5,000 / - will be given.
Simplex Channel In this channe. There are mainly three types of commun Trad Guic Tech DATA COMMUNICATION AND NETWORKING The die abling aspec of met Baric The term communication means sending or receiving information. When we communicate, we share information or data.
A communication system can be defined as the collection of hardware and software that facilitates intersystem exchange of information between different devices in channel as follows Data Communication It is the exchange of data between two devices Esing some form of transmission media. It includes the transfer of data or information and the method of preservation of data during the transfer process.
Data is transferred from one place to another in the form of signals. There are three types of signals 1. Digital Signal in this signal, data is transmitted in electronic form, i.e. binary digits (0 or 1). 2. Analog Signal In this signal, data is transmitted in the form of radiowaves like in telephone line. 3. Hybrid Signal These signals have properties of both analog signal and digital signal. capability to support response in direction. This communication is unidirectional.
Only one of the communicating devices transmits jefe and the other can only receive it e.g. Radio, Television, Keyboard, etc. 2. Half Duplex Channel In this charnel data can flow in both directions, but same time. When one device tranamit information, then other can only rece that point of time. e.g. Walkie -Talkie 3.Full Duplex Channel In this channed s flow of data is in both directions at a both stations can transmit and receive information simultaneously.
Wireless handset (mobile phone). Communication Media Communication media of a network tefer t transmission media or the connecting media in the network. It can be broadly defined as anything that can carry information from a to destination. It refers to the physical meda through which communication signals ca transmitted from one point to another. Communication Channel The communication channel refers to the direction of signal flow between two linked levices.
State level painting competition under "Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav"